Why August is the Perfect Time to Become a Blue Door Property Guardian

Blue Door Property guardianship offers a unique and affordable living arrangement, making it an increasingly popular option for those looking to save on rent while enjoying the flexibility of a short-term tenancy. But when is the best time to dive into the world of property guardianship?

The answer is August.

This month presents several unique advantages for prospective guardians, from dodging the frantic September housing rush to securing great locations and enjoying the last stretch of summer in a new space. Here’s why August is the ideal time to become a Blue Door Property Guardian.

1. Avoiding the September Housing Rush

September is notorious for being a stressful time in the UK property market. As university terms begin and new job contracts start, the demand for housing skyrockets. Students, young professionals, and families all compete for the best properties, driving up rental prices and making it harder to find a good deal. By securing a Blue Door Property Guardianship in August, you can avoid this frantic rush altogether.

In August, the housing market tends to be more relaxed. Many people are still on summer holidays and the intense demand of September hasn’t kicked in yet. This lull provides a perfect window for Blue Door Property Guardians to secure their next living space without the pressure of competition. By acting early, you’ll have your pick of available properties, allowing you to find a space that truly suits your needs before the market heats up.

2. Finding Great Deals

With less competition in August, prices tend to be more flexible, and we are keen to help you fill our spaces. This can translate into better deals and more favourable terms for new guardians. Whether it’s a reduced fee or more lenient contract conditions around Notice periods, starting your guardianship in August could mean significant savings.

Additionally, some property owners prefer to fill their buildings before September to avoid having vacant properties during the busier months. They may offer incentives to encourage occupancy in August, knowing that this proactive approach helps them avoid the September scramble. As a prospective guardian, you can leverage this to negotiate better contract terms or even snag a prime location that might be off-limits once the autumn rush begins.

3. Enjoying Summer in a New Location

August is the peak of summer, with long days, warm weather, and a host of outdoor activities to enjoy. Starting your Blue Door Property Guardianship during this time means you can make the most of the season in a new and exciting location. Whether it’s exploring local parks, attending summer festivals, or simply enjoying the sunshine in your new garden or rooftop space, August offers endless possibilities for outdoor fun.

Moving into a new space during the summer also makes the transition smoother and more enjoyable. Unlike the colder, darker months, August allows you to settle into your new home without the stress of bad weather or limited daylight. You can spend your evenings setting up your space, meeting like minded housemates, and exploring the local area; all while basking in the late summer glow.

4. Flexibility and Preparation for Autumn

Starting a property guardianship in August gives you a head start in preparing for the autumn season. You’ll have time to settle into your new environment, establish routines, and make any necessary adjustments before the busyness of September and October arrives. This could be particularly beneficial if you’re planning to start a new job, return to education, or embark on other significant commitments in the autumn.

Moreover, beginning your Blue Door Property Guardianship in August provides flexibility. Many property guardian contracts are short-term, giving you the freedom to reassess your living situation come the end of the year. If you find that your current property isn’t quite right for the colder months, or if you need to relocate for work or study, you’ll be well-positioned to make those changes without the constraints of a longer-term AST.

5. A Head Start on Community Building

One of the unique aspects of Blue Door Property Guardianship is the opportunity to be part of a community. Many guardianships involve shared living spaces, where residents can build connections and create a supportive environment. Starting in August means you’ll have time to meet your fellow guardians, participate in communal activities, and establish a sense of belonging before the autumn rush begins.

By the time September rolls around, you’ll already be well-integrated into your new community, giving you a solid support system as you navigate the busy months ahead. Whether it’s organising a summer get together, exploring the local area together, or simply enjoying each other’s company, August offers the perfect backdrop for forging these connections.

August is a month of opportunity for prospective Blue Door Property Guardians. By starting your guardianship now, you can sidestep the September housing rush, secure great deals, and enjoy the last days of summer in a new and vibrant location. The flexibility, financial savings, and community-building potential make August the ideal time to embark on this unique living arrangement. So why wait? Start your Blue Door Property Guardianship journey this August and take full advantage of everything the season has to offer.