Empty Property Protection 101: How to Make it Look Like Someone’s Home When They’re Not

Whether you own a holiday let that will be empty for the winter, or a commercial property that is between tenants, you’ll want to do everything you can to protect your empty property while you’re not there. 

With shorter days approaching and crime stats on the rise, it can be tempting to reach for the chains, padlocks, and boards to keep your empty property protected. However, research from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) suggests that the single most effective form of empty property protection is to simply make it look like someone’s home. 

As experts in vacant property protection, we’ve put together 5 simple tricks to help you make it look like someone’s home – even when they’re not.


1. Clever Lighting

Often, criminals choose their targets by visiting certain areas and checking which properties consistently have their lights off. Known as the bumblebee effect due to the yellow and black contrast between different properties with their lights on and off - a dark property really stands out as an easy target.

So, installing some clever, motion-activated lights around your property is one of the most effective ways of keeping criminals at bay.

For the outside of the property, motion-sensor lights will give the impression of movement and activity at the property (plus they’ll illuminate any shadowy areas that criminals could hide in). For the inside of the property, use timer switches to have lamps trigger on and off in different rooms. This will make your empty property far less of a target by giving the impression that someone is home.

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2. Take the Signs Down

We often see empty properties plastered in posters and signs that say things like ‘Protected Premises’, ‘CCTV in Operation, or ‘Alarmed Property’. Though intended to deter and scare away any criminals, squatters, or thieves – these signs can often have the opposite effect.

By flaunting the security system for your vacant property, you are also flaunting the fact that the property is empty. Making your asset vulnerable to opportunistic or organised criminals. Sometimes it’s better to take down the signs to avoid alerting people to the fact that your property is empty.


3. Keep it Tidy

Another key signifier to onlookers and criminals that your property is empty is mess, debris and litter build-up.

This could be in the form of fallen leaves, weeds, or fly-tipped rubbish. Either way, a messy and untidy property can easily tell criminals that the site is vacant and not being maintained – making it an easy target.

Taking the time to make regular visits to clear up any mess that builds up can help give the appearance that someone is still at home – or at least that someone is still keeping a close eye on the property. Therefore, deterring thieves, squatters, fly-tippers, and other criminals.


4. Seal Your Post Box

If post starts building up either on your doorstep, or in visible view through a window – this can be a huge signifier to criminals that your property is empty.

To prevent forgotten post or junk mail from giving your empty property away, we recommend sealing your post box closed for the duration your property will be empty. But remember, it is still worth making regular visits to check that mail isn’t being left on the doorstep.

You should also make sure to redirect any mail. This can easily be arranged through Royal Mail - it’s an easy and simple trick to avoid piles of post signifying that the property is vacant.

Empty Property Protection 101: How to Make it Look Like Someone’s Home When They’re Not - Seal Your Postbox

5. Property Guardians

The best way to make it look like someone is home in your empty property is to actually have someone (or a few people) take up residence as property guardians in your vacant space.

If you’ve not heard of property guardians, here’s a quick overview of how it works:

Property guardians move into your property to provide 24/7 on-site security and maintenance. They are not the same as tenants and, instead, are licensed to live on the property in their capacity to protect it. The contracts are more flexible than tenancies and don’t require a change of use for the property. 

At Blue Door, our guardians are fully vetted, personally selected professionals, key workers, or creatives. Plus – we provide this service at zero cost to the landlord.

The scheme is simple, affordable, and incredibly effective at maintaining the value of a property while it is empty - an ideal solution for properties big and small!

If you’d like to know more about how Blue Door Property Guardians can help to keep your empty property protected, then get in touch today and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.